At Euphorium, we have one singular passion. We source the best marijuana products that Washington State has to offer, and by carefully listening to each and every customer’s needs, match you with those products that exceed your expectations.
Vashon Island Dispensaries
Vashon Island has the best dispensaries. Vashon has been known for its weed for years. I can remember as a kid adventuring through the forest and stumbling upon crops of weed. I didn’t know what it was but I felt like Ripley in Aliens when she is running for her life and stumbles upon the alien’s nest. I knew I was not supposed to be there. A lot has changed since then.
Since it has become legal, we have seen a great number of marijuana dispensaries come onto Vashon. Truth be told, we love each and every one of them, but there are some that set themselves apart from the rest. Below are the marijuana dispensaries that we love and why we love them. Give them a call, swing in and tell them Explore Vashon sent you. You just might get a high five.
What I find ironic is that both of the Vashon Island dispensaries are owned by dispensary chains. Both of the options today are great,

From apple to bottle, right on their farm. Dragon’s Head cider uses a traditional approach to cider making. They focus on the different apple varieties as well as the quality of the actual fruit. Bad fruit = bad cider. Great fruit = fantastic cider. Learn More about Dragon’s Head Cider here: Dragon’s Head Cider